Prerequisites Before you can start the Authentication process, you need a private secret key and a Partner ID. Both will be provided to you by LINK Mobility AS. The Authentication process consists of three steps:
Step 1 - Generating the string to be signed
Signature parts | How to generate |
Partner ID | As provided by Link Mobility, For example 123. |
HTTP Method | The HTTP Method of the request in upper case. For example "POST", "GET", "PUT" |
URL | The absolute URI of the request, including any query parameters. Lower cased, then URL-encoded. Make sure the special characters of the URL-encoded string are in upper case. For example %3A, not %3a. |
Timestamp | UNIX time, the number of seconds since Epoch UTC (January 01, 1970). For example 1472195737 which corresponds to 2016-08-26T07:15:37+00:00 in ISO-8601. |
Nonce | An reference identifier of your choice, such as a GUID. Max 50 chacters and must be unique per request. |
Content | If there is a payload/body on the request, MD5-hash it first and then base64-encode the result. |
All of the above parts are concatenated into one string. Make sure the resulting string is UTF8 encoded.
Sample string
Figure 1 - create message string
Step 2 - Signing the Message
- Take the message string created in Step 1
- Take your private secret key
- Hash them together using HMAC-SHA256 (choose raw binary output)
- Base64-encode the result
Step 3 - Compose Authorization header
You concatenate some of the values from Step 1 and the first 10 characters of the signature from Step 2 and add to the Authorization header with the parts separated by : in the following order
Authorization header parts | How to generate |
Partner ID | As provided by Link Mobility, For example 123. |
Signature | The first 10 characters of the HMAC signature created in Step 2. |
Nonce | Your unique reference ID from Step 1. |
Timestamp | The same Unix timestamp from Step 1. |
Authorization: hmac 123:2FBhBLpuQt:57c08f8dccc59:147223745
Figure 2 - HMAC signing and compose Authorization header DIAGRAM
Sample C# code for generating the header:
static void Main() { var secretkey = "<your base-64 encoded secret key here>"; var partnerId = 1; var url = ""; var method = "GET"; var timestamp = Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds); var nonce = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); var data = partnerId + method + WebUtility.UrlEncode(url.ToLower()) + timestamp + nonce; using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(Convert.FromBase64String(secretkey))) { var fullHash = hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data)); var signedHash = Convert.ToBase64String(fullHash).Substring(0, 10); var authHeaderValue = string.Format("hmac \"{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}\"", partnerId, signedHash, nonce, timestamp); Console.WriteLine("Authorization: hmac \"{0}\"", authHeaderValue); } }
Sample php code for generating hmac header
<?php $partner_id = '<your partner id>'; $secret_key = '<your secret key>'; $secret_key = base64_decode($secret_key); $request_method = strtoupper("GET"); $url = 'https://TODO/api/action'; $url = strtolower($url); $request_content = ''; $auth_header = getAuthHeader($partner_id, $secret_key, $request_method, $url, $request_content); echo $auth_header; // display the Authorization: header to be included in the request function getAuthHeader($partner_id, $secret_key, $request_method, $url, $request_content) { $requestUri = urlencode($url); $requestTimeStamp = time(); // current UNIX timestamp $nonce = uniqid(); // string if ( !empty($request_content) ) { $requestContentMd5Hash = md5($request_content, true); /* raw binary format with length of 16 */ } else { $requestContentMd5Hash = $request_content; } $request_content = base64_encode($requestContentMd5Hash); $signatureRawData = ($partner_id . $request_method . $requestUri . $requestTimeStamp . $nonce . $request_content ); $hmac_before_base64 = hash_hmac ( 'sha256', $signatureRawData , $secret_key, true ); // not raw digital output $hmac_base64_encoded = base64_encode ( $hmac_before_base64); $hmac_substringed = substr ( $hmac_base64_encoded, 0, 10); $auth_header = "hmac $partner_id:$hmac_substringed:$nonce:$requestTimeStamp"; return $auth_header; } ?>
Error codes
Code | Result |
401 Hmac timestamp clock-drift too high | The timestamp used to generate the hmac token is too old. It can be max 10 minutes old. |
401 Invalid HMAC | The hmac token in the Authorization header has some invalid content. |
Sample Request
GET /api/campaigns HTTP/1.1 HOST: Authorization: hmac "1:95onwB16zB:57c44d452af4e:1472482629" Content-Type: application/json
Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 796 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 ... [{"campaignId":1,"returnUrl":"http://dummy","statusCallbackUrl":"http://dummy","smsStatusCallbackUrl":"http://dummy","smsNotificationOriginator":"2012","smsNotificationText":"Hello","smsReceiptText":"Thank you","shortCode":"2012","currency":"NOK"},
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