SDK (c#)
The easiest way to integrate with the Payment API is with the SDK, which is a nuget package called LinkMobility.PaymentCore.Sdk.
Your nuget.config
file should be updated like below in order for your project to connect Payment API nuget feed. Contact the support team for package access.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="link-internal" value="" protocolVersion="3" />
<add key="" value="" protocolVersion="3" />
<add key="Username" value="nugetfeeds" />
<add key="ClearTextPassword" value="q35ma*******************5a" />
<add key="All" value="(Aggregate source)" />
Once you modified your nuget.config
, your build pipeline will be able to fetch the required packages.
Fetching packages to your local environment
There are 2 ways of doing this. 1st one is using the command below via Nuget Package Manager Console
Install-Package LinkMobility.PaymentCore.Sdk -version 8.0.0
Another way to achieve this is to use Visual Studio’s UI features.
Code example snippets:
First create a client:
IPaymentCoreClient _paymentCoreClient = ClientFactory.Create(_partnerId, _sharedKey, _baseUri, ClientFactory.DefaultTimeout, RetryPolicy.DefaultExponential);
Example 1: Creating a Pre-Transaction
The CreatePretransaction
method creates a pre-transaction, which is an initial step in the payment process. This method constructs a PreTransactionRequest
object with necessary details such as PartnerId
, Msisdn
, SmsNotificationText
, Currency
, Amount
, and ReturnUrl
. It then calls the SDK's CreatePreTransactionAsync
method to initiate the pre-transaction and returns the preTransactionId
public static async Task<string> CreatePretransaction()
var request = new PreTransactionRequest
PartnerId = _partnerId,
ViewTemplateName = null,
CorrelationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
ExpiryUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1),
Msisdn = "+47********",
SmsNotificationOriginator = "2012",
SmsNotificationText = "Betal her: {{paymentSelectionPageUrl}}",
Currency = "DKK",
Amount = 1,
ReturnUrl = $"{_baseUri}/receipts/10295/{{transactionId}}",
PaymentProviders = new List<string> { "dibs" }.ToArray(),
Description = "SDK Console Test",
CustomProperties = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "kravtil", "Qliro AB" }, { "saksnr", "33206733" } }
var preTransactionId = await _paymentCoreClient.CreatePreTransactionAsync(request);
return preTransactionId;
Example 2: Capturing a Transaction
The CaptureTransaction
method captures a previously initiated transaction. This step is usually performed after the transaction has been authorized. The method requires a transactionId
and uses the SDK's CaptureTransactionAsync
method to complete the capture.
public static async Task CaptureTransaction(Guid transactionId)
await _paymentCoreClient.CaptureTransactionAsync(_partnerId,transactionId, new CancellationToken());
Example 3: Refunding a Transaction
The RefundTransaction
method refunds a captured transaction. This is useful in scenarios where the customer needs to be reimbursed. The method requires a transactionId
and calls the SDK's RefundTransactionAsync
method to process the refund.
public static async Task RefundTransaction(Guid transactionId)
await _paymentCoreClient.RefundTransactionAsync(_partnerId,transactionId, new CancellationToken());
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