Parameters used in Paycore/Setup for Paycore SMS text
Page overview
This page contains a list of parameters that could be used on the Mobile Invoice → Setup → Configuration page in the SMS text, together with the the corresponding values that programmatically get applied when message is being composed and sent to an end-user.
List of parameters
The parameters are being resolved against the Payment-Core database, the majority of them based on the data from the PreTransactions table. In most cases these values in the preTransactions table will equal the same values from the Transactions table. In one case, with the amount the value is resolved either based on the value from either the PreTransition or Transactions database table entry, based on whether the amount is only reserved or captured. In certain cases, such as with the receiptPageUrl and the paymentSelectionPageUrl, the values are dynamically constructed.
Note, the below table contains all parameters that could be successfully resolved for values, but in most of the cases in the SMS text you will need to use only the first few listed in the table.
More details could be found in the table below:
Parameter | Value | Type | Example Value |
{{amount}} | The amount from a pre-transaction or transaction depending in which SMS text it is used in; If reminder text, amount equals preTransaction amount. If receipt text, amount equals the transaction amount. | Number | 1.00 |
{{receiptPageUrl}} | The link redirecting to the receipt page (custom landing page). | URL | |
{{paymentSelectionPageUrl}} | The link redirecting to the payment page (custom landing page). | URL | |
{{Currency}} | Currency from preTransaction. | Text | NOK |
{{Description}} |
| Text | Felt som kan benyttes, vises i landingsside dersom dette er avtalt. Her kan parametre som {{ReferenceID}} knyttes inn. |
{{InternalId}} | The preTransaction internal Id. | Number | 6 |
{{PreTransactionId}} | The preTransaction GUID. | GUID | EEBCCBD8-2F16-4E6D-B98B-AC4DC723B4BC |
{{CreatedDateUtc}} | The date and time of the preTransaction creation. | DateTime | 2017-01-16 10:32:39.917 |
{{ExpiryUtc}} | The date and time of the preTransaction expiry. | DataTime | 2017-08-27 10:15:00 |
{{CorrelationId}} | The correlation Id for the preTransaction. | GUID | 59 |
{{ViewTemplateName}} | The view template name for the preTransaction. | Text | Systempartner |
{{ReturnUrl}} | The receipt URL. | URL |{{transactionId}} |
{{StatusCallbackUrl}} | Status callback URL. | URL | |
{{SmsStatusCallbackUrl}} | SMS status callback URL. | URL | |
{{referenceId}} | The reference Id. | Text | e76a88dac8 |
{{ExpiredUrl}} | Expired URL. | URL | |
{{CancelUrl}} | Cancel URL. | URL | |
{{ReferenceId}} | Reference Id. | Text | e76a88dac8 |
{{TransactionReconRef}} | Transaction Recon Reference. | Text | 12345678 |
{{Msisdn}} | Phone number for which preTransaction is created. | Text | +4793494197 |
{{SmsNotificationOriginator}} | The number from which SMS notification is being sent. | Text | 2012 |
{{SmsNotificationText}} | SMS notification text that is being sent in SMS when preTransaction is being created. | Text | Hi Bjørn Stensrud, please pay here: {{paymentSelectionPageUrl}} |
{{SmsReceiptText}} | SMS receipt text that is being sent in SMS when preTransaction needs to be payed (the one customizable from Next portal). | Text | Thank you for trying LINK Mobile Invoice. This is your receipt for paying {{currency}} {{amount}}. Contact for more information :) |
{{SmsNotificationDelivered}} | 1, 0 or NULL. 1 equals Delivered, 0 equals Not Delivered. | Bit | 1 |
{{ShortCode}} | The shortcode. | Text | 2012 |
{{PhonePayment}} | 0 or 1. 1 equals phone payment, 0 equals non-phone payment. | Bit | 0 |
{{CardPayment}} | 0 or 1. 1 equals card payment, 0 equals non-card payment. | Bit | 0 |
{{SmsNotificationMessageId}} | The SMS notification message Id. | Text | 4u6BcVEVOTgAAAFZptZyCwXF |
{{SmsNotificationSendTimeUtc}} | The data and time when the SMS notification for the preTransaction was sent. | DataTime | 2017-01-16 10:33:00 |
{{PhonePaymentPinSmsText}} | The phone payment pin code SMS notification text. | Text | Your pincode is {{phonepaymentpin}} |
{{phonepaymentpin}} | The phone payment pin code. | Text | 8944 |
{{AuthenticationMethod}} | The authentication method. | Text | sbid |
{{SocialSecurityNumber}} | The encrypted social security number. | Text | lcOED3oqY9FIfp8m+iVbBHzls0v9HHUNcXpKlRSvt08MzTKQh0KrG49QZ5GGAisluj4f4+ePMSQf7WyT6N0A0w== |
{{Source}} | The preTransaction creation source. | Text | Single sending |
{{Segment}} | The segment name of the SMS was sent to. | Text | test segment |
{{SocialSecurityNumberDecrypted}} | The decrypted social security number | Text | EAAAAHWKela+H35VGtbD2Xm9PYqidGsVfk77AFRZMTbTIC9K |
{{PartnerId}} | The partner Id. | Number | 10295 |
{{AccessedUrlDateUtc}} | The date and time when the preTransaction URL was accessed. | DateTime | 2018-09-13 13:15:28.857 |
{{RecurringEnabled}} | 0 or 1. 1 equals part of recurring, 0 equals not a recurring. | Bit | 0 |
{{RecurringOptional}} | 0 or 1. 1 equals recurring option, 0 equals not a recurring option. | Bit | 0 |
{{SendSms}} | 0 or 1. 1 means SMS is being sent when preTrnsaction is create, 0 means no SMS is being sent when preTrnsaction is being created (configurable through the Next Portal mobile invoice → setup page for each partner). | Bit | 1 |
{{ReminderSentUtc}} | NULL if no reminder SMS for payment is being sent. Otherwise, the data and time when the reminder SMS was sent. | DateTime | 2018-10-17 09:45:15.063 |
{{SmsReminderMessageId}} | The Id of the SMS reminder message. | Guid | 9df237ef-86d3-4bc6-879f-0c3f622f9db0 |
{{SmsReminderDelivered}} | 0 or 1. 1 means reminder was successfully delivered, 0 means reminder was not successfully delivered (or there is no reminder setup to be delivered for the partner). Configurable through the Next Portal mobile invoice → setup page for each partner. | Bit | 0 |
{{SmsReceiptMessageId}} | The Id of the SMS receipt message or usually NULL. | Guid | NULL |
{{SmsReceiptDelivered}} | 0 or 1. 1 means receipt was successfully delivered, 0 means receipt was not successfully delivered (or there is no receipt setup to be delivered for the partner). Configurable through the Next Portal mobile invoice → setup page for each partner. | Bit | 1 |
{{OrderNumber}} | The order number. | Text | 123 |
{{Language}} | The language code. | Text | NO |
{{PaymentOperation}} | The payment operation status: Authorize, Reserve, Capture, etc. | Text | Reserve |
{{CustomLandingPageUrl}} | The custom landing page URL. | URL | |
{{MinAmount}} | The minimum amount to be payed. | Number | 0.00 |
{{CustomAmounts}} | The custom amounts, if enabled. | Text | [40,50,65] |
{{CustomAmountEnabled}} | 1 or 0. 1 equals that custom amounts have been enabled, 0 equals custom amounts not enabled. | Bit | 1 |
{{SubscriberId}} | The subscriber Id. | Text | WATER SNAKE |
{{BatchSending}} | 1 or 0. 1 if sending is part of batch sending, 0 if it is not part of batch sending. | Bit | 1 |
{{BatchSendingId}} | The Id of the batch sending. | Guid | D4DF8B44-6C74-4C50-8918-03D3CF901DEC |
Note, the properties are not case-sensitive.
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