When sending a message with the messages api call you have some different options. On this page you can see some examples of how to use the different options.



Sending a normal message

A simple example

    "recipients": "+4512721272",
    "sender": "TEST",
    "message": "Hello world!"

A simple example with a number as sender

    "recipients": "+4512721272",
    "sender": "+4512345678",
    "message": "Hello world!"

An more advanced example using a lot of the available parameters

    "format": "GSM",
    "recipients": "1,+4512721272",
    "sender": "TEST",
    "message": "Hello world!",
    "status": true,
    "statusurl": "http://example.com/dlr.php",
    "returndata": "my-own-data",
    "class": 0

Send a message to a list

    "recipients": "1",
    "sender": "Test",
    "message": "Hello world"

Send a time scheduled message to a list.
The message will be sent at 30-05-2015 10:00

    "recipients": "1",
    "sender": "Test",
    "message": "Hello world",
    "sendtime": "30-05-2015 10:00"

Send a message to more recipients

    "recipients": "1,+4512345678,+4522112497,3",
    "sender": "Test",
    "message": "Hello world"


To send speciality chars like chinese letters.
A normal message is 160 chars, but if you use unicode each message can only hold 70 chars

Send the text "ÛÑÎÇÔÐÊ"

    "recipients": "+4512345678",
    "sender": "TEST",
    "message": "ÛÑÎÇÔÐÊ",
    "format": "UNICODE",
    "charset": "UTF-8"


With binary messages you can send special message like a nokia vCard or similar.

To send a binary message you need to define the body in hex and set udh

Example of a Bookmark to coolsms.com

    "recipients": "+4512345678",
    "sender": "TEST",
    "message": "01062D1F2B6170706C69636174696F6E2F782D7761702D70726F762E62726F777365722D626F6F6B6D61726B730081EA01016A0045C67F0187151103436F6F6C534D53000187171103687474703A2F2F636F6F6C736D732E636F6D00010101",
    "format": "BINARY",
    "udh": "0C05040B8423F00504C34FC002"

WAPPUSH (Deprecated) 

Not all new Smartphones supports WAP, so this feature is not recommended for general use.

Send a link that is opened on the phone

You need to define pushurl as well as the other required parameters for WAPPUSH messages

Example of a link to coolsms.com

    "recipients": "+4512345678",
    "sender": "TEST",
    "message": "CoolSMS",
    "format": "WAPPUSH",
    "pushurl": "http://coolsms.com"    

Charged messages

If you have access to send charged messages you need to define a price and contenttype

Send a message with a price
Price is 10dkk(1000) to a single number (NOTE: sender has to be a valid shortcode)

    "recipients": "+4512345678",
    "sender": "1272",
    "message": "Hello world",
    "price": 1000,
    "contenttype": 9,
    "invoicetext": "",